WIPO Technology Trends: Future of Space Transportation


The World Intellectual Property Organisation (WIPO) has recently released its report on technology trends in the future of transportation[1]. The report includes a dedicated section on “Space Transportation”[2], a testament to the significant growth in this sector over the last few years. As defined in the report:

 “Space transportation involves the movement of people, goods and satellites beyond the Earth’s atmosphere, primarily using rockets and spacecraft. It encompasses various vehicle types, including crewed spacecraft, cargo spacecraft and satellites, and relies on infrastructure such as launch pads, spaceports and mission control centers”.

The report notes that global patenting activity in this sector has accelerated significantly. In the 12 years between 2011 and 2023, the number of relevant patent applications published each year has increased six-fold, from around 1,400 per year to almost 9,000 per year in 2023. Since 2000, WIPO’s report estimates that more than 67,000 inventions (measured by patent families) have been published.

Figure 1: number of patent families in space transportation technologies (2000-2023). Source: WIPO (2025). WIPO Technology Trends Report 2025: The Future of Transportation. Geneva: World Intellectual Property Organization. (Figure 4.13 Page 93 of the report).

The report divides the patent publications into four key areas, representative of future development areas. These include 1) Sustainable Propulsion, 2) Automation and Circularity, 3) Communications and Security, and 4) Human-machine interface, and reflect the “Sustainability” and “Digitization” approach to the analysis.

“Transportation of the future will be driven by two main trends: sustainability and digitalization”. Analysis reveals that whilst inventions in fields relating to communication and security dominate patent filings in space transportation technologies (more than 85% of publications), both communication and security publications and “automation and ‘circularity’ publications have experienced the highest patent filing growth between 2000 and 2023.

Figure 2: number of patent families in space transportation technologies by field (2000-2023). Source: WIPO (2025). WIPO Technology Trends Report 2025: The Future of Transportation. Geneva: World Intellectual Property Organization. (Figure 4.14 Page 96 of the report).

WIPO credits this enormous growth in innovation in space transport technologies to a number of factors, including the heating up of the international space race and the emergence of entrants like China, India, and Japan, as well as the rise of private companies (including companies with a primarily non-space focus) where only government agencies would previously have played a role.

In terms of patent ownership, China markedly occupies 3 of the top 5 patent filing positions (with Chinese Academy of Sciences, China Aerospace Science and Technology Corporation, and China Electronics Technology Group in positions 1, 2 and 5 respectively) with only Boeing (US) and Mitsubishi Electric (Japan) also included. Asia as a region is identified as overwhelmingly leading innovation in terms of the number of patent applications filed and the number of separately listed inventors.

The patenting trends in WIPO’s report highlighted above signal the astounding growth currently taking place in the space sector, with the associated drive to innovate seemingly showing no signs of slowing down.

“Space transportation plays a crucial role in global communication, scientific research and economic development. According to McKinsey scenario planning, it is anticipated that there will be 27,000 active satellites in orbit by the end of 2030, an almost four-fold increase from today. In a high-demand scenario, in which nearly all proposed constellations materialize, we would expect to see more than 65,000 satellites, including many heavier ones, in orbit by 2030”


The release of WIPO’s analysis on space transportation comes at a crucial time, as discussions around intellectual property in the space sector gain momentum. With innovation in space technologies accelerating, ensuring robust IP protection beyond Earth is more important than ever. This topic will be explored further in our upcoming webinar, “Protecting Inventions Beyond Earth’s Borders: Space Law and IP,” where our IP experts, Andy Attfield and Nick Reeve, will discuss the legal challenges and enforcement considerations in this rapidly evolving area. Register here to gain insights into the future of space law and innovation.

At Reddie & Grose LLP we have a wealth of experience drafting patent applications, ensuring that our clients are provided with high quality patents, which adequately protect their inventions. If you have a space based invention, or would like more information, please contact one of our team.

This article is for general information only. Its content is not a statement of the law on any subject and does not constitute advice. Please contact Reddie & Grose LLP for advice before taking any action in reliance on it.

[1] WIPO Technology Trends: Future of Transportation (PDF report)

[2] WIPO Technology Trends Technical Annex: Future of Transportation in Space (html version)