Patent Protection Strategies

Not all patent systems are the same.

In addition to country specific systems for patent protection, there are also regional systems, such as the European Patent Organisation, and the Patent Cooperation Treaty administered by the World Intellectual Property Organisation. Patent law differs, and inventions that can be protected in countries like the United States are not always protectable in other jurisdictions, like the United Kingdom or Europe.

Reddie & Grose LLP has global experience and expertise. We can advise you on how to protect your intellectual property, not just in the United Kingdom and Europe, but in jurisdictions around the world. In doing so, we understand the importance of the size of your market, and the characteristics of the patent system in the jurisdiction concerned. We can advise on strategies that delay the high costs of national patents for as long as possible while preserving maximum choice, or advise on strategies for fast effective protection in a selected number of key countries.